Arecanut is an essential commercial crop in India and finds a place in religious, social and cultural functions. The cultivation of Arecanut is mainly confined to the States of Karnataka, Kerala and Assam, but its consumption is spread all over the country. India is considered the largest Arecanut producing country in the world. The total acreage under cultivation is 264000 hectares, and the annual production is estimated at 313000 metric tonnes, with Karnataka and Kerala accounting for nearly 72 % of the total output. Over six million people are engaged in areca nut cultivation, processing and trade. More than 85% of the area under cultivation is made up of small and marginal holdings. A sudden marketing crisis in the year 1970-71, when prices registered a marked fall that caused considerable concern to the growers, was the genesis for setting up this Cooperative venture. Growers had been thrown into panic, with prices coming down by half of what was prevailing till the 1970-71 season.
Various measures were thought of for organized marketing management, and leaders among growers sat together to find a way out. On the advice of an Expert Committee, the State Government of Karnataka recommended organizing a Central Agency in the public or Cooperative sector.
With the blessings and active support extended by the State Governments of Karnataka and Kerala, Central Areca Nut and Cocoa Marketing and Co-operative Society( CAMPCO) was registered on 11th July 1973 under sec.7 of the Karnataka Co-operative Societies Act read with sec.4(2) of the Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act 1984. Through the consistent effort of far-sighted, dedicated and resourceful leaders, with the cooperation and assistance of equally true growers under the guidance of the State Governments of Karnataka and Kerala, this institution took giant strides forward and has turned into a tower of strength to the areca growing community in the country.
CAMPCO has been functioning effectively with the main objectives of Procuring Areca nut and Cocoa grown by member cultivators and, if necessary, from other growers on an agency or outright purchase basis. The Sale of Arecanut and Cocoa and their products to the best advantage of members and advance loans to members on the pledge of goods and do all other things necessary to carry out the objective. To promote and develop Areca and Cocoa cultivation, marketing and processing.
The co-operative encouraged growers to take up Cocoa cultivation as a supplemental crop in the latter half of the 70s. This went on to become a large scale operation with good results. A sudden withdrawal by the buyers of Cocoa from the procurement operations due to a crash in the International market came as a shock to cultivators.
The CAMPCO entered the scene at this stage to rescue farmers from distress and willingly took up the responsibility to enter the cocoa market. As a strategy for survival on the International scene, the CAMPCO played a significant role in establishing a name for Indian Cocoa, which hadn’t been achieved. It procured Cocoa Pods from growers, adopted scientific processing methods to market standards, released dry cocoa beans matching in quality to Ghana, Brazil and other leading Cocoa cultivating nations.
To create a permanent demand and a steady market for the beans, CAMPCO established a Chocolate Manufacturing factory at Kemminje village in Puttur Taluk in Dakshina Kannada district, adopting foreign collaboration in chocolate making.
The factory was set up in 1986 at an initial investment of RS. 116.7 million and a licensing capacity to produce 880 metric tonnes. The factory also entered into a technical cooperation venture with NESTLE( India ) Ltd for diversifying product brands.
It has been making various products, semi-finished items like Cocoa Mass, Cocoa butter and Cocoa powder and finished products in the moulded line, count line, chocolate drinks etc. Campco chocolates have gained extensive market popularity in India.
Starting with its Head Office at Mangalore in Coastal Karnataka, the CAMPCO began with a handful of procurement centres in Karnataka and Kerala. The CAMPCO adopted a safe policy for purchasing and marketing the commodity and maintaining standards in quality assiduously with the dedicated cooperation of a network of diligent officers and workers. The society achieved success by leaps and bounds, stood the brunt of changing trends, market recessions and upheavals, a glut in the market and even national calamities in the marketing field for more than two and a half decades.

Late Sri. Varanashi Subraya Bhat
Founder President
Sri.Varanashi Subraya Bhat was born in an Agriculturists Family on 8th June, 1927 in a rural area near Adyanadka Village in Karnataka. He worked for rural development and was instrumental in providing his Village with roads, culverts and bridges. He worked for the cause of education and is the Founder Secretary of Adyanadka Education Society (Regd.) His special interest was agricultural marketing, and co-operation. He was elected to the Board of Management of South Kanara Agriculturists Co-operative Marketing Society in 1967 and was its President from 1973-1977. He has also served as the Member of the Karnataka State Agricultural Marketing Board from 1972 to 1975. His pioneer work was to establish the Central Arecanut and Cocoa Marketing and Co-operative Society, popularly called THE CAMPCO.
Arecanut is an important commercial crop in the western districts of Karnataka and almost all the districts of Kerala. When there was a steep fall in the price of arecanut between 1970 and 1973, he mobilised the arecanut farmers of the two States of Karnataka and Kerala and promoted the CAMPCO. The CAMPCO under his stewardship succeeded in uplifting the arecanut market and the farmers are now getting a very good return. Sri.Bhat worked as the President of the CAMPCO from its inception in 1973, up to the end of December 1990.
The CAMPCO is one of the few leading Co-operative Institutions in the Country. He was instrumental in establishing a large, modern chocolate factory at Puttur in the year 1986 to provide an assured market and remunerative price for the cocoa produced in the Country. He has served as the President of All India Arecanut and Cocoa Growers’ Association. He has also served as Chairman of Cocoa and Arecanut Development Committee (Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India) and member of Western Ghat Development Committee (Ministry of Planning, Govt. of India). The Government of Karnataka conferred on him “SAHAKARI RATNA”, the top-most award in the co-operative field in the year 2002 for his contribution in the co-operative sector. He also received the prestigious “SAHAKARITA RATNA” award for the year 2005 from IFFCO among his other recognitions.

B V Sathyanarayana
I am honored as we embark on a new chapter in our journey together at CAMPCO. As a farmer-led organization, our roots run deep in the soil of community, solidarity, and shared purpose. CAMPCO, a multi-state cooperative society is committed to the betterment of farmers since inception in the year 1973.
Our journey began with a focus on Arecanut, a vital crop in the region, and over the years, we have diversified our offerings to include Cocoa, Rubber, Pepper and Coconut as well.
The establishment of our chocolate factory stands as a testament to our dedication to innovation and value addition. By venturing into chocolate production, we not only added value to Cocoa cultivation but also created new avenues for farmers and stakeholders associated with CAMPCO.
At CAMPCO, we believe in the power of collaboration and community-driven initiatives. Our cooperative model empowers farmers by providing them with access to fair markets, modern agricultural practices, and essential resources. Through collective efforts, we strive to uplift rural economies, enhance farmer livelihoods, and promote sustainable agriculture.
As the Managing Director of CAMPCO, I am committed to steering our organization towards greater heights of success while staying true to our core values of integrity, transparency, and inclusivity. We are continuously exploring new opportunities for growth and development, with a strong focus on leveraging technology and market trends to benefit our members and stakeholders.
I invite you to explore our website to learn more about CAMPCO’s diverse range of activities, products, and initiatives. Whether you are a farmer looking for support, a partner seeking collaboration, or a consumer eager to experience the finest quality products, CAMPCO has something to offer for everyone.
Thank you for your continued support and trust in CAMPCO. Together, let us continue our journey towards a brighter, more sustainable future for agriculture and rural communities.

It is a profound honor to lead CAMPCO, a beacon of cooperative values and excellence in the Multi-State Cooperative sector. I am filled with immense joy witnessing the evolution and success of this esteemed cooperative, and I am eager to further amplify our performance in the times ahead.
CAMPCO – The Central Arecanut & Cocoa Marketing & Processing Cooperative Limited – was established with a noble mission: to alleviate the plight of Arecanut and later Cocoa growers in the States of Karnataka and Kerala. Rooted in the principles of cooperation, CAMPCO has emerged as a model organization in the Cooperative sector, committed to eliminating the exploitation of middlemen and ensuring the welfare of our esteemed growers. In the face of challenges, we have consistently emerged stronger, thanks to the resilience and unity of our Members.
Over the years, CAMPCO has steadfastly strived to provide remunerative prices for farmer’s produce while offering them guidance and support. Through our initiatives, we have not only safeguarded their interests but also added value to their produce. Our endeavors include establishing one of the most sophisticated chocolate factories in Southeast Asia and diversifying into areas such as Rubber, Pepper, and Coconut. For the enhancement of farmer’s crops, CAMPCO extends Copper Sulphate at subsidized rates, Organic Manure – CAMPCO AYUSH, and CAMPCO POUSTHIKA. As we embrace innovation and adapt to changing times, let us continue to harness the power of collaboration to chart new avenues of growth and prosperity.
Sustainable development is a collective endeavor, and CAMPCO recognizes the importance of joint efforts in achieving our goals. Towards Green Energy, CAMPCO has installed Windmills and Solar Panels. For our Members, we extend Medical Benefits and support towards the education of children, etc. With Members spread across the two States and Customers nationwide, we have Branches spanning across India, and with a dedicated workforce, we strive to reach the doorstep of our grower members. Through seminars, conferences, and agricultural fairs, we impart the latest technological know how to empower our growers and bridge the information gap in the agricultural sector.
CAMPCO Chocolate, our flagship product, embodies the spirit of self-reliance and echoes the call for “MAKE IN INDIA” championed by our Honorable Prime Minister. I urge you to embrace CAMPCO Chocolates, not only as a delicious treat but also as a mark of support for our Farmers. The primary raw material – cocoa – is a testament to their hard work, and the success of our products is a tribute to their dedication.
In essence, we are committed to our core purpose of enhancing the livelihoods of the Agri- family that we serve – the Areca, Cocoa, Rubber, Pepper, and Coconut Grower fraternity – by ensuring fair prices for their produce. With the unwavering support of like-minded individuals, I am confident that CAMPCO will continue to scale new heights.
Credit Rating
External Credit Rating for Bank Borrowings | 2021-22 | 2022-23 |
Long Term Rating | CRISIL A/Stable | CRISIL A/Stable |
Short Term Rating | CRISIL A1 | CRISIL A1 |
ISO Certification
CAMPCO Chocolate Factory is certified with FSSC 22000 (Food Safety Management System), ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System) and ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series).
Wind Mill
Fossil fuel burning has contributed to the rise the temperature resulting in a disastrous climate change. As a small step towards reducing its impact, our cooperative has installed a windmill costing Rs. 16.80 crores at Hoovinahadagali Taluk, and Chikkodi in Belgaum District which produces about 40 lakh units of electricity which is pollution-free green energy. This electricity being used at our Chocolate Factory will considerably reduce energy costs. With this installation, 70% of our factory’s power requirement will be met by green energy.
Skill Development Program
The Grower members have expressed concern about the shortage of skilled labour in areca nut plantations. To overcome this problem and create opportunities for the unemployed youth, CAMPCO, in association with the ARDF, have arranged Skill Development Programs, including training on areca tree climbing at CPCRI Vittal during December 2018 & February 2019. A total of 53 youth have been trained, and as per the feedback received, most of them are earning a decent income through this skill.
Research and Development Work
- On 20/5/1998, a Research and Development Trust with Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade, Dharmasthala as its President and CAMPCO President as the Managing Trustee, has been established.
- Recently, a brand new Research and Development wing has been opened, and price behaviour analysis has been taken as the first step.
- ARDF, in association with CAMPCO and Vivekananda Engineering College, has successfully conducted KRISHI YANTRA MELA-I 2009, II–2012, III-2015 & KRISHI YANTRA MELA-IV in 2019, respectively.