Bio-enriched Organic Manure

Campco Ayush is a well decomposed organic matter fortified with coir-pitch vermicompost, pressmud, Neem Powder, Koranja Powder, Castor Cake, Turmeric cake, Gypsum, Rock Phosphate , Poultry and goat manure with added Bio-stimulents (Humic, fulvic , amino & seaweed extract) and Bio- Fertilizers.

Advantages of Manure

  • CAMPCO AAYUSH increases yield by 20-25% ,reduces the use of inorganic fertilizers by 20%
  • CAMPCO AAYUSH helps in maintaining C: N ratio in the soil and also increases the fertility and productivity of the soil.
  • CAMPCO AAYUSH improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil.
  • CAMPCO AAYUSH improves both the structure and texture of the soils.
  • CAMPCO AAYUSH increases the water holding capacity of the soil.
  • Due to increase in the biological activity, the nutrients that are in the lower depths are made available to the plants.
  • CAMPCO AAYUSH minimizing the evaporation losses and maintains moisture in soil.


  1. For field crops and vegetable crops: 200-400 kg/acre
  2. For Horticulture crops:
    • Arecanut:
      • Young plants(<2year):1-1.5 kg/plant/year
      • Yielding plant (>3Year): 2-3kg/plant/year
    • Coconut :
      • Young plants :3kg/plant/year
      • Yielding plant: 8kg/plant/year
    • Pepper: 1-2 kg/year
    • Banana : 3-4kg/plant /year
    • Ginger: 1 tonne/acre

Suitable for all crops compatible with all soils.

Packing available : 50kg


Micro Nutrient Mixture Fertilizer

CAMPCO POUSHTIKA is a scientifically blended mixture of zinc & Boron micro nutrients & other essential plant nutrients. In plantation crops like Areca, Coconut, cocoa etc, Zinc & Boron plays a imperative role in plant growth & development. Considering importance of Zinc & Boron, CAMPCO introduced scientifically manufactured micro-nutrients mixture soil application grade product CAMPCO Poushtika.


  • CAMPCO POUSHTIKA improve the uptake of other nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, leading to overall improved plant growth and yield.

  • CAMPCO POUSHTIKA enhance disease resistance, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

  • CAMPCO POUSHTIKA promote better fruit set, size, and color, resulting in higher quality crops.

  • CAMPCO POUSHTIKA play a role in plant stress tolerance, helping plants withstand environmental challenges such as drought, salinity, and heat stress.

  • CAMPCO POUSHTIKA promote sustainable agricultural practices by optimizing nutrient use and reducing reliance on chemical inputs.

CAMPCO POUSHTIKA Green colour bag: For Black soils with alkaline reaction

Soil Application Grade IV: Zn: 10% Fe: 5.0% Mn: 2.0% B: 0.3%

CAMPCO POUSHTIKA Pink colour Bag: For red laterite hilly and coastal regions with acidic reaction

Soil Application Grade V: Zn: 10% Fe: 0.0% Mn: 0.0% B: 0.5%


Arecanut : 100gms /Yielding Plants 50gms / Young Plants

Coconut : 200gms /Yielding Plants 100gms / Young Plants

First dose : May/June Second Dose : Sep/Oct

Soil Application: 10Kg/Acre

Recommended Crops :

Areca, Cocoa, Coconut, Pepper, Betel Vine, Banana, all Vegetable & fruits crops

This can be mixed with Manure/Compost or any other Major NPK fertilizers

Packing available: 10kg

copper sulphate1


The health of the Arecanut tree is often affected by various insects and other microorganisms. Copper Sulphate (CuSO4) thus becomes necessary in areca nut plantation maintenance. This chemical, used as an insecticide is sprayed on the treetops once or twice a year.

To cater to the needs of the growers, CAMPCO is producing good quality CAMPCO brand Copper Sulphate and marketing it through CAMPCO branches at a fair price.